The summer months offer a final opportunity for school nutrition directors to prepare for the coming fall. This year, the beginning of the school year should look a lot more like it used to, though there will be challenges posed by what is hopefully the end stages of the pandemic.
In reality, though, the pandemic has only highlighted school nutrition challenges that already existed. Attracting more students to participate, serving more bodies in less time, and even finding the space to serve them are challenges our school nutrition directors have faced for years.
What we're seeing across our territories of Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, and Utah are instances where schools are being combined for meal services. Nationally, we're seeing slow turnaround times as it relates to food serving solutions. There are many reasons for these challenges, each different in its own right, so we'd like to focus on solutions instead.
School Serving Solutions That Provide Versatility
Our partners at Multiteria have developed serving solutions that are mobile and can expand service capacity in school cafeterias. Let's review three important ways to enhance your serving line.
With the right serving solutions, directors can create larger serving lines to accommodate more students. Lines can also be modified for menus and the types of foods being served, as well as the types of students eating them.
As we've seen during Covid, it's important for school nutrition staff to be able to move the point of service. Over the last year and a half, safety has been the driving factor for this, but moving forward, it will very likely be convenient.
How your serving line looks will impact how many students enter the serving line. To increase student participation, it's important to develop an overall aesthetic that's customizable and attractive.
Introducing M-Power from Multiteria.
Multiteria's M-Power serving solutions were designed to help school nutrition directors and staff increase the capacity of service by providing versatility and visibility.
Even better, while many serving solution manufacturers are struggling with lead times, Multiteria's M-Power units are available on short turnarounds to accommodate summer cafeteria makeover timelines.
We invite you to view and customize your own units today using the Multiteria M-Power serving line creation tool. Similar to selecting a car, just choose your make, model, color, add-ons, and more, and we'll show you what your future cafeteria might look like.